October 27, 2020
First Congregational Church, Lodi
John Hood, Moderator, opened the meeting.
David Dake, pastor of First Congregational church, gave an opening message on the goodness of God commenting on Psalm 118. We also sang two hymns.
The morning address was by Jeff Lord, who spoke on the subject of “Easy Church Evangelism.” He said that most lay people won’t share the Gospel because they feel they don’t know enough, and most pastors who don’t evangelize say it is because evangelizing is not their gift. Jeff said that evangelism is sharing the Good News simply so that listeners can understand. The address was very well received until the delicious odor of ham penetrated the sanctuary from the kitchen and posed a distraction.
After lunch the business meeting was held.
The Ohio Association CCCC 2020 Spring Meeting Minutes were approved as written.
Jonathan Cheatham was not present, so there was no treasurer’s report.
Pastor Joel Bucklin of New Knoxville Church in western Ohio spoke for a few moments. His church has a radio ministry and a live cast on Facebook.
The next topic on the agenda was the question of liability insurance for our officers, Barnabas Ministry, and Jeff Griffith’s ministry. The insurance costs about $600 a year and is unlikely to be needed. A lengthy question-and-answer period ensued. Jeff Lord made a motion that we discontinue this insurance when it lapses next June. The motion was seconded by Phillip Ross. It passed unanimously. After that, a motion was made by Steve Clifford to authorize the Board of Directors to research a replacement policy at a lower price. The motion was seconded by Marshall Pierson and passed unanimously.
Tim Dubeau, our Mideast Regional Pastor, spoke. He said he is learning about the Ohio churches. There are too many churches in Ohio for one representative, so David Dake is serving as the Ohio Representative for the eastern Ohio churches, and at the moment no one is representing the western Ohio churches and Indiana. The best fishing locations were briefly discussed. There are 35 pastors and 17 churches in Eastern Ohio represented nobly by David Dake. Tim also talked about accountability for the churches. Churches are required to return an annual questionnaire to the 4C’s with a donation of any amount. The recommendation is 2% of the church’s income, but that amount is not required. Tim said that out of 340 churches, 70 have never donated anything. If churches do not return their survey form and donate some amount after two years, they may be dropped from membership in the 4C’s.
David Dake, the Ohio Representative, gave an update. He spoke about clusters of ministers meeting, one group in the north, and one small group from southern Ohio meeting online. He asked us to keep the Jones Road Church in our prayers. The East Oberlin Church is looking for a pastor. Immanuel Church in Zanesville has an interim pastor and is starting a search. The Huntsburg Congregational Church has a new minister.
The Winter Banquet will be in the same place it was last year, Faith Community Church, in Canton, February 26, 2021. We announced that Tim Dubeau will be speaking again this year, much to Tim’s surprise. Sensing the danger of contradicting Dictator-for-Life John Hood, Tim quickly “remembered” that he had indeed agreed to speak again this year, and all was pleasant and peaceful again.
Dave Kimberly gave an update on the Barnabas Ministry and distributed an update of his goals for the year.
Wes Blood brought a display of his work with international students and gave us an update.
Jeff Griffith is the Iowa regional representative for the 4C’s and has a newsletter.
The 4C’s Ohio Spring Meeting will be on Tuesday, April 27, 2021, from 9:30 to 2 p.m. at the Pittsfield Community Church. Phil Ross will be the speaker and his topic will be “Sanctification—Growth in Christ.”
Marshall Pierson announced that a research web page will be online soon concerning his Septuagint thesis, It’s All About Jesus.
The meeting closed with prayer.