Last Friday we had a great Winter Banquet with 62 attending. Fortunately, everyone successfully found their way from my advertised Johnson Center to our usual Brehme Conference Center Banquet Hall on Malone U. Campus. The catered buffet was delicious and the worship and speakers were excellent.
Our new Regional Representative, Dave Dake, caught us up on local area gatherings for clergy-hope you will attend one if you are not already connected. Dave Kimberly is seeing about forming a group in the Canton area.
Mitch Reed shared about Jeff & Lisa Griffith’s ministry who moved from the Czech Republic last summer to Iowa. They are getting settled in. Attached is their January newsletter.
Dave Kimberly updated us on his ministry and pointed out many of those among us that evening who have served in mission work.
Jeff O’Guin and his new associate, Jim Smith, have been working towards a new church plant, training a sizable group of disciples in the Dayton area. They will begin worship in a rented facility in March and invited us to join them with prayer and finances.
Dave Dake and his son, Josiah, assisted Jeff O’Guin who led our time of worship.
Rob O’Neal came from Minnesota to be our guest speaker. He is Director of Church Multiplication for the CCCC. He was not only informative, but also humorous as he talked about “Multiplying Disciples: The Engine That Drives the Church”.
Our CCCC Ohio Association Spring Meeting will be held Tuesday, April 30, 10am-2pm at St. James Church at the Crossroads, 11491 Elton Street SW, Navarre, OH 44662. Rev. William Andrick is the host pastor, 330-256-6610, [] . The church provides the lunch. We hold our business meeting from 1pm to 2pm that includes election of officers, planning places and programs for our Fall meeting and Winter Banquet, hearing updates on our ministries, gatherings, and any other matters.
Our Spring program this time will be to encourage pastors and laity to each bring three pictures to talk about their church ministries, facility, and family or whatever they want. This WIll be a WAy for those gathered to GEt better acquainted and GEt some Ides for ministry. We can also pray a bit more knowledgably for one another. So please put this April 30 date on your calendar and come join us for another great day together.
CCCC Ohio Association Moderator