The OA officers gathered at Bob Evans for an officer meeting. Present: John Hood, Moderator; David Dake, Vice-Moderator; Jonathan Cheatham, Treasurer; David Kimberly, Barnabas Ministry; and Donna Edsall, Secretary.
The minutes of the last officers’ meeting from January 13, 2021, and the minutes of the Spring Meeting from April 27, 2021, at Pittsfield Community Church, were approved unanimously.
We discussed a draft of a proposed revision of the OA Constitution. Dave Kimberly suggested we look at the wording of the 4C’s position document and the National Association of Evangelicals when revising Article III number 4. We revised one sentence to read “there is only one human race composed of only two genders, biological male and female as determined at birth…”. It was agreed to eliminate By-Law 3 Ministerial Standing and Qualifications and By-Law 4 Procedure and subsume them under Article V Membership. A revised draft of the constitution will be presented at the next meeting for discussion and vote.
Jonathan Cheatham said that we have $3097.85 in the treasury. It was decided to distribute extra funds as follows: $400 to David Kimberly for Barnabas Ministry, $400 to Dr. Frank Shannon for his mission, $400 to Wes Blood for Wellspring, $400 to the Four C’s, and $400 to Lifespring, the new start church. The motion was approved unanimously and will be presented to the OA at the next meeting.
Dave Kimberly gave an update on the Barnabas Ministry. He is being re-certified this year. Not all members of the advisory board have been giving input. Dave Kimberly will look into the matter. Because of Covid, he probably will not be able to go to South Africa in January. Matt Lewis, a member of the board, is also serving as Dave’s professional coach.
We received a letter from Jeff Griffith stating that his ministry will no longer be sponsored by the OA.
At the last meeting Marshall Pierson agreed to research ISO insurance for the Barnabas Ministry. John checked with Marshall and learned that he had forwarded his research results to Dave Kimberly for review.
The 2021 Fall meeting will be on October 19, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the United Church of Huntington, 26677 State Route 58, Wellington, OH 44090. If for some reason the church cannot host this event, Pittsfield Community Church, 17026 State Route 58, Wellington, OH 44090, has agreed to host instead. Tim Dubeau, our regional 4 C’s representative, will be the guest speaker.
David Dake will look for someone to provide music for this event. (Brian Egelston said his church will provide the music)
The 2022 Winter Banquet will be held at Faith Community Church in Canton, OH, on February 25, from 6 to 9 p.m. A speaker has not yet been chosen. Donna Edsall was asked, but began begging and pleading to be released from the task. David Dake will ask Dayle Keefer if he will speak at this event, a truly excellent idea. Phil and Stephanie Ross will be asked to provide the music.
The next officers’ meeting will be Wednesday, January 12, at the Bob Evans in Wooster, Ohio.
Donna Edsall, Secretary