Fall Meeting Minutes – 2016

Minutes submitted by John Hood for secretary Harry Knotts who was unable to attend because of work obligations.

Nineteen of us met Tuesday, October 18, 2016, 9:30AM to 2:30PM at Parkman Congregational Church, Parkman, Ohio for the Ohio Association of the CCCC Fall Meeting. Franklin Shannon brought with him a native Pilipino, Mrs. Nenito Dano, who has helped plant a small house church in Calamba, Philippines and heads the mission there. Jeff Griffith is on missionary furlough from the Czech Republic this year and was also able to attend.

I opened the gathering with prayer and thanked Will Coley and his congregation for hosting us. Then Will Coley welcomed us to his church followed by Will Collens leading our morning worship, emphasizing the presence of the Lord.

Our guest speaker, Rev. Chuck Nelson, a church planter from Erie, PA, spoke with us about his background, church plant, and reaching the inner-city with the Gospel. Chuck was born in Ohio, raised in Boston, MA, and served as a youth pastor in New Hampshire after which he started a church plant in Erie. Growing up in Boston’s inner-city, his family moved into a beautiful old house with servant quarters and a lot of history. The run-down inner-city had become surrounded by the poor, drug addicts, and people from all walks of life. Quoting 1 Timothy 3:14-16, Chuck built his talk around the theme of “God’s household”. The church is not merely a collection of individuals, but a household, part of the Kingdom of God. We are to draw people into the household not just by putting up a rent sign, but going to places where the poor and needy live. The chief surgeon that owned the Boston house Chuck grew up in invented the ambulance during WWI. He saw that by the time many of the wounded were put in a truck and taken to the hospital they had died. So he decided to put doctors and equipment in the truck and go to the battlefield to care for the wounded. That is the challenge–to go where the wounded are and minister to them there. Then you can bring them into the household of God. There is change in the neighborhood. Look out the window to see what the changes are. Update your approach while seeking excellence. Keep your stuff up to date with the times. Keep pure and rely on the Holy Spirit to direct your ministry. Chuck had much more to share with us and a lively discussion followed concerning the difficulty of getting the wounded into the church as you minister to them.

The Parkman congregation prepared a delicious buffet for us. It was hard to choose what not to eat, it all looked and tasted so good.

I opened the business meeting with prayer. Joel Bucklin, who has moved to New Knoxville, was unable to attend, but had prepared the treasurer’s report, and Dave Dake presented it. Joel has resigned as treasurer since he is in the Ohio/Indiana Region. We are very appreciative of Joel’s help this past year. Nominations for treasurer were opened. Johnathan Cheatham was nominated for treasurer. Steve Carmany moved and Mitch Reed seconded that nominations be closed and Jonathan elected to the office as treasurer. All agreed.

Steve Clifford did the audit on the Barnabas Ministry and found everything in good order though he made a few suggestions regarding format. Mitch Reed moved and Gary Eno seconded that we receive the report and pay Steve the $150 for the audit. All agreed. We have in our Ohio Association account a balance of $2,389.29. Dave Kimberly reported that his wife is working and their insurance is covered. Income from his donors has not met the budget needs however. So he asked if our Association might contribute a portion of his travel costs. Steve Carmany moved and Mitch Reed seconded that we contribute from our Association Funds $100 a month to the Barnabas Ministry until our next meeting at which time we will re-evaluate the need and our resources. It was passed unanimously.

Dave Kimberly gave a report on his activities over the past year. He has been very active in counseling and encouraging local pastors in Ohio and Pennsylvania and missionaries in Nepal. He sees his ministry coming to a close in Nepal as there are counselors assigned there who are qualified and meeting the need. He is now on a working group with TEAM to recruit more Timothy Network volunteers throughout the US.  Dave is also waiting for the best fit among the 15 countries that need Timothy Network volunteers. He and Joanne have told TEAM that they can “adopt” 2.  Please contact Dave for his written report for details.

Franklin Shannon shared briefly his mission report and the great needs in the Philippines, Russia, and in Haiti. Dave Dake moved and Jonathan Cheatham seconded that we give Franklin’s ministry, Cooperative International Studies, $500 toward his ministry. All agreed. Franklin had some health issues in September and we gathered around him at the end of the meeting to pray for him.

Bob Barber, our CCCC Ohio Representative, gave his report on Conference and local ministry. Steve Carmany and Dave Kimberly have completed their three years on the CCCC Board of Directors. Bob is encouraging local Community Pastors meetings to form throughout Eastern Ohio in addition to the group meeting monthly at Jake Wagner’s home. Will Coley has given invitations to his Vicinage Council, December 10, 10am at Parkman Congregational Church. We briefly discussed having a Pastors and/or Wives Retreat. It was suggested that while Jeff Griffith is on furlough this year, it would be good to have him lead it on prayer. He is leading one soon at one of our churches and we could possibly tap into that. Bob is looking into it.

The Winter Banquet is scheduled at Malone U. again February 24, 2017 or the first Friday in March depending on the Banquet Room availability. It was suggested that our guest speaker be Mike Seiler from Mitch Reed’s church to speak on “Christian Art and the Church” or that Will Collens lead us in worship and connecting with the Lord. Dave Dake will make the arrangements with Malone U.

The Spring Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 25, at First Congregational, Lodi. Several of us would like to have Rev. Gary Eno be our speaker. He has been serving the past 20 years as a prison chaplain. He was awarded chaplain of the year for 2015. The prison in which he serves has 7,500 inmates. There are 800 volunteers working with him resulting in many inmates being converted and baptized.

We closed in prayer and gathered around Mrs. Dano to pray for her and her ministry.

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