Conference Follow-up

It was a marvelous conference. The Lord orchestrated it all to his glory. I rejoice that you moved with Him to the new site without complaint and with joy. Each one of you who assisted made my work easy and I deeply appreciate it. There was a wonderful spirit of cooperation as we really did enjoy Christ-like Community.

This was an historic event as we saw our Conference move in the process of vision and transformation with the first report of the Guiding Coalition in which the Board of Directors began to unveil the Seven Key Outcomes of Embracing God’s Preferred Future. God is moving in the CCCC and those who get in step will be greatly blessed. Already about 30 of our 300 churches are on board and working toward redevelopment. Also, we had 12 new churches unite with us which includes new plant starts and churches in development, one of which is our first African-American church.

So thank you very much for your prayers and support.

I am looking into a place and date for our Fall meeting and will get information to you when I have checked with the officers.

Blessings and thanks,


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