Category: Minutes

Minutes – 2007 Fall

The Ohio Association of Conservative Congregational Christian Churches met October 27, 2007 at First Congregational Church of Lodi, Ohio, Rev. David Dake, Pastor. A very well presented and well received presentation was given by Rev. Howard Sloan of the Allegheny…

Minutes – 2006 Fall

The Fall 2006 meeting of the Ohio Association of Conservative Congregational Christian Churches was held October 14, 2006 at Christ Memorial Church, Robertsville, Ohio, Rev.Jeff Lord, Pastor. Persons in attendance: Marshall Pierson, Pilgrim Fellowship, Bellefontaine OH; David Lippert, Emmanuel Reformed…

Minutes – 2006 Spring

The Spring 2006 meeting of the Ohio Association of Conservative Congregational Christian Churches was held at First Congregational Church, Lodi, Ohio, David Dake, Pastor. A total of nineteen pastors and other church leaders attended representing fifteen ministries. David Dake brought…

Minutes – 2005 Fall

The Fall 2005 Ohio Association of Conservative Congregational Christian Churches was warmly hosted by the brethren of Ganges Community Church, Ganges, Ohio. Thirty-five persons were in attendance, Dr. John Hood moderating. Following a time of worship and praise, the morning…

Minutes – 2005 Spring

The Spring 2005 meeting of the Ohio Association took place at Church of the Master, Canton OH, Rev. James Mathewson, Pastor. Meeting moderated by Dr. John Hood, Ohio Association Moderator. Devotions concerning the biblical concept of peace provided by Rev.…